Asset Performance Management made easy

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GPS tracking

Instantly locate any owned, leased or hired asset the moment you need it. By understanding your current heavy-duty asset availability, you can cut back on equipment rental or hiring expenses instantly. Digitize inventory management and get real time information on asset location, assignment and usage.

Supply Chain Management

Seqwence Systems’ SUPPLYAXIS Purchase Order Management (POM) and Shipment Tracker (ST) solutions offers numerous options that can help you manage orders and track shipments from the purchase order/shipment booking creation through to delivery.

Asset monitoring

From Fleet management to mobile asset tracking you can do it all with SEQWENCE TRACK. You offer a variety of tracking devices for any type of tracking application. Our GPS platform allows the user to monitor the location and status of assets on maps, reports, and alerts that can be customized by the user.

Time and attendance

Our Seqwence PINPOINT mobile App is a solution for remote employees, contractors, and service staff to Check-in at the start of their workday and Check-out at the end. Associate their time and location to jobs and tasks with all the information gathered on one platform for better management and bill of time and resources

Performance Analytics

Get a handle on the data created by your operations everyday. Monitor, investigate the activities of your supply chain operations, and other functions using our analytics solution. Mitigate poor performance by setting alerts and improve response times and improve customer service.

Cloud platform

Cloud tracking solution makes services like GPS tracking accessible online. Managing a business with cloud-based GPS tracking has never been easier. You can access your fleet’s location 24/7, wherever you are. As long as you are connected to the Internet, you can start tracking using your smartphone, computer, tablet, and other devices.